Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

So I haven't posted in a while and that is because I am a complete failure. I am currently down to 148 lbs., but it's time to make some changes. I've been binging these past two weeks, so I have no idea how I lost 2lbs., but I won't just settle on not knowing how/why this happens. I want to be in control of my weight. I need to be in control of it. I will control what goes into my body. A new year is coming up, and these are my resolutions:

1. Starve myself until I weigh a proper 113 lbs. (Maybe less)
2. Grow my hair out long (Because I'm ugly)

I also met a guy... Don't know how long it will last, though. Not sure if I want to be what he wants us to be either....


  1. You, my love, are NOT a failure.
    And that loss is brilliant! Not gaining over Christmas isn't an easy thing to do.
    A word of advice, starving may be the easy thing to do, but it's not a good way to lose, because as soon as you stop starving, you pile on possibly more than before, without even noticing. You do need to eat to live, as well, as much as I wish otherwise. Restricting is hard, but it'll work if you stay strong :).

    I completely understand about your 2nd resolution! I've been trying to grow mine out for a year and a half (I had it cut real short last summer).

    And as for the guy - just be what YOU want to be, and the rest should fall in place. :)

    Sorry, bit of an essay, ha. Stay strong, sweetheart :) x

  2. We all fail but that's what makes us true anas or mias or e.d. people its that we get up and start to starve again, until we fail, AGAIN, its the vicious cycle of the path we have chose. But don't worry you are not alone everyone fails but you are brave enough to write about it and that I adore, so stay strong until you fail again, haha I'll be here failing with you.

  3. @Ell Thanks so much for the support. I know that when I starve and keep binging I put on more weight than I lose. But I'm gonna try the ABC diet starting Monday. Like you said, restricting is hard, but I will to try to stay strong throughout. Thank you :)

    @Fading Figure Thanks for reassuring me that I am not alone. It's easy to forget that sometimes, you know. I'm here for you too. :)

  4. Oh, and as for the guy, we hooked up a few times, but I had to break it off. He was wayy too clingy. ew. :/
